Saturday, May 12, 2018


dark ambient / ritual noise

The Flame of Eternity (Plamen Večnosti) is an artistic project of Sifr Shraddha, a multi-instrumentalist, dwelling in the field of dark and experimental soundscapes. It came into being in the year 2008. and evolved in 2013. For the purposes of an artistic expression, Sifr Shraddha created unique hand-made instruments with an intention of diving even deeper into the inspirational source.  The Flame of Eternity (Plamen Večnosti) is an entity that acts as a vessel, a vehicle through which specific energies and vibrations may find a mirror in order to bring their reflection into form. This form is forever cut off from the true essence of these enegries. In order to achieve the abovementioned aim, this artistic project dives ever deeper into dark contemplation within the tunnels where only the scorching wind is allowed to exist. With this process, it sharpens the weapon that is turned againt the mirror every time the great motion stops, thus letting the tidal flow through. Every deed that is accomplished through this vessel carries the weight of a real events/experiences on various fields. These are the well from which The Flame of Eternity drinks, fueling the depths of horrifying beauty, dread of horror’s proximity and disturbing uncertainty that beckons and hungers forever. It strives to create the openings and gates through which the vibrations that it absorbs and releases may manifest.

2015 - The Horripilation (LP)
2015 - Apokrifa (EP)
2016 - The Cavitation (LP)
2017 - The Purification (LP)


Imperivm of Jazz

punk / noise punk / experimental

Krajem 70-tih godina Branko Andrić osniva grupu Vojvođanski bluz bend sa kojom nekoliko puta nastupa u Beogradu i Novom Sadu. Početkom 80-ih napušta „Vojvođanski bluz bend“ da bi osnovao „Imperium of Jazz“ (pravilno se piše sa v, latinskim u). U bendu su od samog početka nastupali najbolji muzičari iz Novog Sada. Do 2005. nastupalo je 150 muzičara u raznoraznim aranžmanima. Poznatija imena: Boris Kovač, Zoran Bulatović - Bale, Jovan Torbica, Zoran Mraković, Atila Šoti...

The Rolling Sotones

experimental electronics / industrial

The Rolling Sotones is a experimental electronic project consisting of two members. On one side there is Balasevic - a mastermind behind industrial post punk project TRANSEEN and on the other side there is Inquisitor - mastermind of industrial rock band DREDDUP. Balasevic is responsible for electronic noises and rythm. Inquisitor does vocals and back vocals. This is their first single. 


alternative rock / post punk / noise rock

Usled nedostatku prave zivotne ambicije te velikog interesovanja za poigravanje sa slikom i zvukom, za vreme trajanja jedne neprijatne zime 2016/2017, odlucio sam pokrenuti jedan projekat u kome bi se poigrao sa stvarima o kojima nista ne znam, oslonivsi se na cist osecaj i upornost, te za potrebe istog aktivirati ljude koje dozivljavam za slcine sebi, one za koje mislim da im ne bi bilo tesko, naprotiv. Zelim pokusati da iskoristim svoj pun kreativni potencijal, bez konacnog cilja i ideje u kom bi se pravcu to sve moglo kretati... Sve ovo na kraju dana je najblize dusevnoj terapiji i kanalisanju negativne energije krejirane boravkom u realnosti i uzdrmanoj svakodnevici. Ono sto mogu da obecam kao sigurno to je dosta buke.

Cela ideja o projektu kao potreba za ventilom nastaje u jesen 2016te,

a posle prikupljanja iskustava ljudi u okolini, projekat zvanicno biva pokrenut
prvogog januara 2017.
Krajem februara meseca, otpocinje saradnja sa starim prijateljem i ta saradnja biva
ozvanicena posle zajednickog dzemovanja iz kog nastaje pesma "Kisa, blato i truli plodovi na asfaltu 0.5".
Potom pod etiketom "Reincarnation Records" isti ucestvuje u produkciji kolekcija koje slede.


- Petog marta biva objavljen prvi video "Kisa, blato i truli plodovi na asfaltu (0.1)

- Sestog marta prva kolekcija od 5 pesama pod imenom "Kisa, blato i truli plodovi na asfaltu"
- Trinaestog marta druga kolekcija od 4 pesme na kojoj je primenjeno pravilo "bez gitara" (dva basa i bubanj, ovo pravilo ce se na kolekcijama koje slede, veoma cesto ponavljati)
pod imenom "Repetitivno, pasivan"
- Dvadeset sedmog marta "Single track" pod imenom
"Vostani vodja i unapred predodredjeni put"
- Osmog juna singl pesmu pod imenom "Zasto si mi rekao da cekam nova jutra" gde po prvi put upotrebljavam i glas
- Petog jula sledeci singl pod imenom "Zimska deca umiru leti"
- Dvadesetog jula objavljujem jos jednu instrumentalno/ambijentalnu kolekciju pesama pod imenom "Poznate fleke" gde prvi put upotrebljavam sintisajzer i ako bez ikakvog prethodnog poznavanja instrumenta, stvar ispada sasvim solidno na kraju
- Osmog oktobra posle dema i malo zagrevanja izbacujem cetvrtu kolekciju pesama pod imenom "Beton" ista je sadrzala i glas i buku i 7 traka (mozda do sad i najhvalitetnija i najvise puta pohvaljena, objavljena kolekcija pesama)
- Petnestog oktobra objavljujem jos jednu singl pesmu "Podstanari u mojoj glavi" ista je sadrzala i glas i buku i biva poslednja u nizu pred objavu naredne kolekcije pesama
- Jedanestog novembra objavljujem novu kolekciju pesama pod nazivom "Jeftine cipele i neprijatni mirisi sa one strane prozora" koja obuhvata poslednje 3 singl pesme s glasom
- Dvadeset prvog oktobra objavljujem kompilaciju pesama "dani koji prolaze" koja obuhvata sve pesme snimljene u 2017toj godini i time zavrsavam 2017tu godinu u muzicko/kreativnom smislu.


- Dvadeset cetvrtog januara objavljujem video za album koji ce biti objavljen dan kasnije (Sivo iznad neba), video biva sastavljen od gomile arhivskih snimaka sa YT iz perioda od '45 do '80te... Ovaj video obuhvata sve pesme s albuma koji sledi (i meni licno je jedan vema drag video)

- Dvadeset petog januara, posle 3 promo trake, objavljujem kolekciju pesama pod nazivom "Sivo iznad neba" (meni licno do sad, najdrazu kolekciju pesama) prica se provlaci kroz 4 pesme i po prvi put, bubnjeve sam kucao sam)
- Petog februara, pesma "Podstanari u mojoj glavi" misterioznim putem pronalazi mesto na jednoj ex Yu kompilaciji nesrodnih i srodnih bendova "Anatomija Zvuka-Najbolje od YU tvrdoglavosti 2017"
- Treceg marta na krilima prethodne kolekcije pesama, objavljujem novu "Razumem zasto bebe placu" koja obuhvata najuzasniju deceniju u blizoj istoriji domovine u 4 pesme Ovde jos jednom bubanj kucam sam i to postaje obicaj na dalje... Takodje sam koristio i svoj glas da upotpunim celokupni ambijent
- Sedmog marta objavljujem video koji kao i prethodni obuhvata celu kolekciju pesama "Razumem zasto bebe placu" a biva sastavljen od velikog broja kadrova i reportaza vezanih za period '90ih godina ovde... Pronadjenih takodje na You Tubu

- Devetog marta jedan simpaticni misteriozni stranac, pod pseudonimom "DJ Evil Death" koji je ne znam kojim kanalima, nedavno otkrio ovaj projekat sastavlja updejt za svoj "internet-radio show, (poznatiji pod imenom The Death Sound Show)" i tom prilikom pesma "Razumem zasto bebe placu 5.2" nalazi mesto medju srodnim i nesrodnim bendovima jos jednom. (moram reci da ima zaista dobre muzike tamo)


Baden Baden

electro punk / electro rock / industrial

Baden Baden is a electronic project from Zagreb Croatia.

Baden Baden are:
Luka Presl - drums
Franjo Mateković - keys
Goran Đurić - bass guitar
Hrvoje Malić - vocals
Borna Maksan - guitar  



industrial / electro industrial / experimental

Tkivo is an industrial one-man project from Croatia, town of Zagreb. Formed in 2011. A lot of releases and concept albums. 



synth punk / lo-fi

A single from the upcoming album 'Zbog vetra u kosi', to be released on tape by No basement is deep enough in early 2018.


ti ćeš meni da nemam muda, da imam harizme ko dupe iznutra?
ti ćeš meni da bazdim na kupus i da ga krmljam ko da nema sutra?
dal si svestan s kim se kačiš, šta sledi kad mi neko drami?
tužiću te mami

ove ožiljke sam steko na cesti ove šavove sam šio u tvorza
glavu baje koj mi nacrto brazdu sam odvojio zauzvrat od torza
rane od biča mi je nanela mama, pravi roditelj samohrani
tužiću te mami

da budem zaštićen mama se stara
kad je nazovem ‘kevo’ strogo me kara
moja mama gladi me po kosi
kuva mi kupus, u zubima me nosi



post punk

No No Instigator is a post-punk/lo-fi band from Zagreb, Croatia.




Sleep Loan Sharks is a nowave project from Zagreb, Croatia.

This single is a preview for all the world and wider to hear us.. we are slow and cruel so we recorded and gave just 2 of our songs here after 3 months of collaboration between Popsimonova and Ozii Oi.. the future reimains uncertian.. nobody can tell the future but at this point there are about 100% chances there will be more and it will be soon.. it's also very necessary to listen to these songs with full concetration and if you don't understand or love it at first try multiple listenings to ensure we're your favourite new band.



minimal synth / synth punk

Neon Lies is a solo project of Goran Lautar, frontman of distopian post punkers Modern Delusion ( Doomtown Records ) Started in 2015 as lo fi minimal synth project, recorded and performed on vintage tape 4-track machine and cheep flea market keyboards.



post punk

Sinovi was a post punk band form Pula active in the period (1987-1988) and were made of known musicians from the Pula scene of the late 70s-early 80s. Just one demo recording and few shows is what left from them. Enjoy!


depressive punk

77 was a Punk band from Pula, Croatia. They played depressive punk and existed for just a few years. They recorded a two track demo in Ljubljana.


dark rock / post punk

Die Blaue Reiter was a dark post punk band from Pula, Croatia. Existed for a very short time, but luckily left a trace in the history of Pula Rock scene.

Alice in Wonderband

performance art / psychodelic

Alice in Wonderband is a musical group from Sremski Karlovci, Serbia. Band exist since 1998. and mixes body percussion, psychodelic driven art, music and theatrical performances. find out more about them here.


dark rock / post punk

Diskurz, oformljen početkom 2006. godine, je uverljivo najmlađi riječki bend ikada, koji je potpisao diskografski ugovor bez obzira na beskompromisan stav prema muzici, društvu i muzičkoj industriji. Od samog početka, kroz bazičan punk do alter-rocka, kreativnu i stvaralačku energiju, te samu esenciju benda, čini Bojan Bajić na gitari i vokalu, koji kroz vreme menja i prilagođava sastav benda, dok danas važan deo bendovske celine i energije čine Damir Humić na bas gitari, Andro Manzoni na bubnjevima, i gitarista Dino Grgurić. U prošlosti je Diskurz pozornicu delio sa Mudhoney, nastupao na Hartera Festivalu i Rokaj Festu, koji su dva od tri najveća festivala u Hrvatskoj, osvojio nagradu Zlatna Koogla, te bio nominovan za mnoge druge muzičke nagrade, kao što je Porin, dok im je album prvenac proglašen albumom godine. O bendu dodatno govori činjenica da ih je uočila diskografska kuća “Todo Destruido” iz Texasa koja im je objavila album u Americi. Bend je radio i muziku za film, stvorio je zavidan broj videospotova i odradio mnogo koncerata. Do sada Diskurz ima poveći broj izdanja. Krajem 2015. godine, bend prestaje sa radom.

2006 - Diskurz (Diskurz Self-release)
2009 - U protivnom“ (Dallas Records)
2010 - Diskurz [EP] na vinylu (Todo Destruido)
2011 - Nova stvarnost“ (Dallas Records)
2011 - U raljama [EP] (Dallas Records)
2012 - Render [singl] (Diskurz Self-release)
2014 - Puls (Dallas Records)
2015 - Energija (Diskurz Self-release)



alternative rock / post punk / noise rock

HiShi je alternativni/art rock bend osnovan u januaru 2017. u Novom Sadu od strane troje muzičara: Kristine Pavlović -vokal (NAHTY), Ana Dragićević-bas gitara (Krcko Oraščić, Three Eyed Crow, Tentacle Wizard) i Boris Batinić-bubanj (Three Eyed Crow, Tentacle Wizard).

Posle par meseci rada, Boris napušta bend i na mesto bubnjara dolazi Milan Zipančić (Nosebleed, Lazar) sa kojim se nastavlja dalja saradnja. Bend planira snimanje EP-a i svoju prvu koncertnu sezonu kreće na jesen 2017.


file size: 25mb
format: mp3 | 320 kbps


math rock / sludge noise / sexperimental

B.R.A.I.N. je alternativni rock/math/sludge/noise/new wave/grind/exeprimental bend iz. Novog Sada. Postoje od 2013. godine. Čine ga trojica uvrnutih likova koji vole da komplikuju aranžmane, razmišljaju unazad i razgovaraju sa zvezdom Sirijus u slobodno vreme. Bend iza sebe ima nastupe na nekolicini festivala a krasi ih neobičnost izraza i svakako dobra energija koju šalju ka publici. Trenutno snimaju svoj prvi album.

band members:

vocal/guitar- Arsenije Čudić
bass- Gordan Aradski
drums- Božo Grahovac

Tamerlan last performance in Serbia!

TAMERLAN : Live in CK13 [2015]
deathfolk / ambiental gothic

Few live videos from Tamerlan's last concert in Serbia. Date was 4th of May 2018. 
There are two more on our channel! Enoy!

Tentacle Wizard : Tentacle Wizard (2018)

TENTACLE WIZARD : Tentacle Wizard  [2018]
psychodelic stoner rock / post metal

Tentacle Wizard draws influence from various genres like stoner, doom, post-metal, psychedelic, kraut rock, post-rock, even drone. At the same time we're trying to make original music that reflects member's natures. Our playing and sound can get heavy and massive, harsh even, but almost never aggressive. Most of our music is created spontaneously, when we record or actually remember a good bit of jamming, riffing, droning… Various different tunings and instrument setups help define the sound and the atmosphere. There can be fun things when you clash a four string often-drop-tuned bass, five string bass and a double neck 6/12 string guitar tuned in a very low alternate tuning, resulting in almost a three bass sound when needed.

Tentacle Wizard started off as a three-piece band by bassists Dimitrije and Ana along with Frantz on drums. After sevral rehearsals Živko asked if he can play guitar, and current lineup of TW formed when they realised they're not half bad together. There was a talk about changing the name because shit got more serious, but for now, fuck it, Tentacle Wizard is good.

Inspired by the dolphin zombies from outer space, we bring you tales of unlikely apocalyptic scenarios rendered in heavy riff, Moss-Titans whacking each other over the head in swamp-troll graveyards using tectonic plates as weapons[also rendered in heavy riff]. 
Prophecies of tentacled spellcasters dragging worlds to ruin as sacrifice to The Outer Gods! 
Legends of vain kings thinking themselves gods, misleading their kingdoms into certain ruin!  
Epics of proud interstellar empires meeting things greater than themselves! 


1. Tentacle Wizard
2. Bringer of False Light
3. Death of a Silent Star

file size: 111mb
format: mp3 | 320 kbps

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Crime:Scene blog is active again!

Hey there people! I know it's been few years since we were active, but this will change from now on. Soon a lot of interesting new & old stuff will be published! Crime:Scene is back in style :)

CPR : Pank iz doba jure (2017)

CPR : Pank iz doba jure (2017)
garage punk / punk

CPR are a small-piece trio punk band from Novi Sad, Serbia. They are the youngest punk band in town, around 16 years old guys. This is their first album. Released June 6, 2017. Listen loud as fuck!

guitars & vocals: Nikola Risteski 
drums: Predrag Đorđević 
bass & lyrics: Nikola Risteski 

Recorded by Polgár Zsolt. 
Produced and mastered by Inquisitor in DURU. studio 
copyright by CPR & Crime:Scene Records ltd. 2017.


01 Bože pravde (2:49)
02 Ustani i bori se (2:22)
03 Social Detention (1:29)
04 KCNS (2:29)
05 Samo svoj (2:06)
06 Zemlja jedna (2:05)
07 They Live We Sleep (1:56)
08 Deset gajbi piva (1:35)
09 Devojka sa vinjak ocima (3:25)
10 Rane (2:34)
11 Ljubavna neka Ristina (1:22)
12 Bore (2:15)
file info: 
format: mp3/44khz/320 kbps
file size: 61 mb

Wagner hat lang gehalten : Concupiscentia (1996)

Wagner hat lang gehalten : Concupiscentia (1996)
post punk / garage rock

The band worked in the first half of the 90's until 1996, and the core of the set was made by Nikola Stojanovic, Nenad Trajkov, Ljubisa Mitic and Olja Wagner, today the vocalist of group G., bassist in Language.Sex.Violence.One time through the exhibition passed Mane, Maranzano, Milan Vd and Vlajko.

Digitalized by Ivan Jelenković Pivce (studio Furuna)
Remaster and final master by Inquisitor (studio DURU)


01 Moj si! (2:45)
02 Vestacko cvece (3:32)
03 Body Building (4:06)
04 Der Nebel (2:37)
05 Subspace (3:49)
06 Ausbluten (2:52)
07 Woher kommt der Wind (3:49)
08 Susne godine (2:42)
09 Ultramarinblau (2:39)
10 An diesem Dienstag (3:51)
11 Wie zeigen sich diese verstehen (3:53)
12 Saputanje na jastuku (7:53)
file info: 
format: mp3/44khz/320 kbps
file size:  102 mb

MORIA : Bez kontrole (1995/1996/2016)

MORIA : Bez kontrole (1995/1996/2016)
rock & roll / garage rock / dark rock

Moria was created in 1995. The title of "Heatbreeders" was composed by high school students Gordan Jarić, Ivan Đuranin and Boris Popov. In a couple of months they are joined by Aleksandar Tepic and the band changes its name to MORIA. The first performance as a quadruple has in the then club "Strange Forest", which was a continuation of the legendary "Rockoteka ONA". Later, he will play in the same place on several occasions. The band initially plays crossover heavy-hc - punk music with texts in Serbian based on local legends to world problems. Without a clear picture of the future, the band genuinely makes a recognizable sound that will mark them forever as a band that at one moment plays the satirical song in the reggae stage while through the next raging tracks in punk rock manner, they arrive at a light ballade of impotence and move towards the final riffs of HC track which says that "Serbia can not calm down ...". Almost always at their concerts, the singer provokes the audience by shouting to them "Worms! "A few months later, A. Tepic in the band brought his school friend Predrag Verlenko and the band completed with another guitar even more moves into unprecedented experimentation. They play around Novi Sad in all locations where there is a plug. The group will soon leave Gordan Jaric and A. Tepic in place of the then student and experienced guitarist Nikola Rajkovic. This setup Morie will be together until the break up of the band.

The first attempt with Jovan Savin to record the demo in 1996 collapsed. They play several times a week, practicing as much of their own composition in Serbian. Komadant Adam offers them to record in his studio and Moria 1999. Shoots the first single "Noddle Head". Later, they will record another 2. A few guest appearances in the 21st to 21st radio broadcasts of the then-radio "021" bring them to the annual top list of 25 bands, of which only MORIA did not have any official release. This and the first place that the song "Klimaj Glavo" held for several weeks on the top radio list "021" - "21 to 21", was also the biggest median success of the band. Radio "021" offers them to release the album, however, soon after that the whole building with the radio station was burnt up and the album negotiations remain "in the air."
1999. Not long afterwards, exhausted, angry, overwhelmed with kilometers of playing behind, mainly in the main town of Vojvodina and the surrounding villages, from the most provocative bars, clubs and halls of lovers of rock music and avant-garde to the place that hosted renowned rock performers and bands, Big breaks in the band. Before the beginning of the era of the arrival of the Internet in Serbia, My Space, FB, the opening of several recording and gaming halls in Novi Sad and the entire single expansion of the rock scene since 2000, Moria stops working. Members diverge and finally put Pesja and Nikole on guitar, Nemanja Radakovic comes with whom Moria had the last concert. During their existence, they made and played exclusively authorial songs with some sort of processing in their way. There are 42 audio tracks of dubious quality, the songs that the band made. 16 years later in the improvised studio "Nasty D", Moria will, in the most fruitful post, but denied to Predrag Verlenko, for medical problems, record 4 more and start the same number of songs before members for the second and last time encountered an obstacle in communication and stopped working.

MORIA were: 

Predrag Vernački - Guitar
Nikola Rajkovic - Guitar
Ivan Djuranin - Bass guitar
Boris Popov - Drums and percussion
Aleksandar Tepic - vocal
Gordan Jaric - Guitar (First Early Period)
Nemanja Radakovic - Guitar (The last concert and the last days of the band)
Vladica Lukić - Usna harmonika (guest appearance in the song "No Control" and "Last Day")
Merima Fetahovic - Female vocal (guest song "Last Day" - Female Vocal)


Klimaj glavom (5:40)
Bez kontrole (2:01)
Poslednji dan (4:06)
Trag (3:54)
Omnibus drei (2:49)
Mrtva priroda (2:51)
Dolazim po tebe (3:07)
file info: 
format: mp3/44khz/320 kbps
file size:  65 mb

Transeen : Live in CK13 (2016)

TRANSEEN : Live in CK13 (2016)
industrial rock / post punk / gay folk

This is the live recording of Transeen band from the club CK13. This recording took place on 6th of February 2016. Transeen is a duo band from Pancevo (Serbia) existing since 2000. Transeen are two guys that call themselves Ron and Roko, two bass players. Their music is described like a mixture of industrial-dark noise-dnb-hardcore. Enjoy!

Intro (0:36)
Over the Screen [live] (3:23)
Birth Control [live] (3:23)
Produced [live] (4:05)
Burn the Dragon [live] (2:11)
Same Ways [live] (4:34)
See Saw Seen [live] (4:13)
Out of Reach [live] (6:56)
Fourth Uncle [live] (6:50)
Transeen [live] (11:41)
file info: 
format: mp3/44khz/320 kbps
file size:  112 mb