Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ultimate Orgasmic Solitude

Ultimate Orgasmic Solitude

I involved into music back in 2002/03. At that time I got in a thrash/death metal band Asylum. I was awful. They kicked me out after 2 years. In '03, while I was still in Asylum, i formed band Ullgulluum, which is avantgarde/gonzo/acoustic grindcore. After a few years in Ullgulluum i decided to change my artistic name into Mrazomor. Band is still existant, but in state of slumber at the moment, and will probably in future change sound into speedcore grindcore. I started my one-man project Ultimate Orgasmic Solitude in, like, middle of 2006. It is an experomental project, and it's first recording, "Misanthropic climax moans" was basically non-rhytmical noise drone metal. It's 2nd recording is named "!!!!!" and is still basicaly noise drone metal. 3rd recording was named "?????" and is extremely experimental. It is some psycho ambiental avantgarde madness with lots of -noises- and things that can drive you insane. Forth recording, "!?!?!?!?! (from one extreme to another)" was never actually finished. It is a combination of drone, grindcore, and some electronic violence close to speedcore techno. I am making 5th recording right now. It will be new chapter of this project. It will be titled "Evil is awake" and style will be changed radically into some ambiental freakish speedcore.


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