In the fall of 2005., Milan Petrovic (Brain Core, T'ong) commences work on a music that would do best to depict his current views of the world, stripped of all negative conotations, seen through emotions. Since the beginning, the accent was on a new approach to music and innovative sound, all the time striving to perserve it's honesty and universality, which were it's point all along. After the whole idea has taken form, Vladimir Miladinov (--arlah, Skica) joins Milan and they add the finishing touches to the music, afterwards entering the studio. Great deal of work was done in 'Flamenco' studios, and the rest was completed at Pik's 'Digital Tone Works'. Financial side of album-making was the greatest problem, the one half of which was solved by Vladimir's engagement at various construction sites accross Novi Sad.
Following the end of summer 2006., the recording was over, and Milan and Vladimir start collecting their thoughts on where to head on next. Returning home from summer vacation, their first step was to start recruiting musicians. First one to join was Bojan Ad--ic (The Scarlet Box), followed shortly by Andrej Ðordevic (Doy MeKokosh, Spiderweb). The band started rehearsing, and, roughly a month and a half later, the last piece comes into place as Nikola Pacek-Vetnic (Pushit, Doy MeKokosh) joins the crew.
Band is currently engaged in promoting their current and creating new material, perfecting their sound, and live performances.
2007 - Organic Fairytale
My Space page
Hator - Organic Fairytale (2007): https://nikolapacekvetnic.bandcamp.com/album/organic-fairytale
Hator, Live at Gradiliste (10 May 2007): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_eiUMAWbs4
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