Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dichotomy Engine: Promo CD


Dichotomy Engine is solo project of Drazen Djordjevic from Serbia. Influenced by the sound of many noise underground, electro bands and musicians like Wumpscut, Vangelis, J.M. Jarre, Drazen starts to experiment with this electro sound at the end of year 2007.

The main idea is of Dichotomy Engine to explore dark electro sounds and all the possibilites to transpose the emotions through that kind of music. In the beginning it started like an experiment and hobby, so there were no plans for further work.
But as time passed by the songs "The Antonia Graza" and "Out on This land" gained good reviews in the underground circles. So Drazen continues with work on new material. DE songs have this so called "movie soundtrack" sound because of combination that involves electro music, many sound effects and dialogs from movies. Also there is a slight sound of noise but in a subtile form, because songs keep some of that velvety shape.

For now, there is a self published mini promo CD which can be freely downloaded from the internet. Dichotomy Engine is working on recording whole new album which will include some guests (friends musicians) on it.

My Space page

(recenzija objavljena u Helly Cherry webzinu broj 68):

Dichotomy Engine - Promo CD
Paralelno sa Hrvatskom i Srbiju je zahvatio neki novi talas ljudi koji se bave „uvrnutijim“ zvukom. Neka najnovija imena su Erekta i TDMA a Dichotomy Engine je poslednje za koje smo saznali. Vrlo brzo nakon pokretanja cele priče u prilici ste da poslušate promo disk koji bi trebalo da najavi full album. Ovaj potez mi je skroz okej jer od prilike (vi čitaoci-slušaoci) imate neku ideju kako bi prava stvar trebalo da zvuči te mu ovo dođe kao neki uvod. Pređimo na stvar. Osnova zvuka je dark electro svakako. No DE se na tome ne zadržava te se u zvuku mogu primetiti i dark ambient i industrial uticaji sa po malo noiza. I upravo ovaj promo počinje ambientalno da bi već druga stvar na ambient donela ritam i industrial prizvuk treća pomalo noiz uz vraćanje atmosferi a ostale dve konačno dolaze do onoga što bi mogli nazvati dark electro zvukom. Proverite promo na Nenad


* Dichotomy Engine (mini promo CD)



Anonymous said...

Link ka download-u nije dobar pa ako mozete da ga zamenite sa ovim koji je radi. eto toliko sve najbolje i hvala za dodavanje u DS blog :)

Anonymous said...

new upload -