Friday, April 11, 2008

Zid Buke


"ZID BUKE je projekt smišljen na osnovi suradnje glazbenika i vizualnih umjetnika gdje se izričit fokus stavlja na improvizaciju. Kroz zvuk koji uključuje bučne dionice gitara i loopova na računalu veća se pažnja obraća procesu nego krajnjem produktu. Temelj ovog koncerta bit će zvuci putovanja. Dođite i uključite se sa svojim instrumentima koji proizvode buku."
"1- Never to rehearse and always to improvise.
2- Never to have audience, but active participants. If there is an audience - get them out by using noise.
3- Open the production materials and productions techniques for free usage."

'ZB:WN:IMDR' opinions:
1 - Art is 20th century concept. In the same century there were people who started bringing it down but art industry is keeping them out of focus. Today we have a means to change the balance.
2 – Detoure all the meanings of culture and art consumption
3 – Infiltrate


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