Trobecove Krusne Peci
Was the cult Zagreb band from the beginning of the 80's, distinctive not only for its bizarre name (inspired by incinerators which served Slovenian serial killer from mid 70's, Metod Trobec, as means of disposal of his victims' bodies; Trobec killed himself in prison in 2006.) but also because of its intensive, concrete and noisy variation of rock and roll music.
"Trobec guys are equally illogical, radical, innocent and rough, and they expect the same from you. They're getting hold of unusual obsessions and tensions from reality, only to distort them even further and turn them into tauntingly important remarks" (Polet, April 27th 1983)
In 1985. in Ljubljana they record material for their debut album that has never been released during the time the band was active. It was released during 1995 only in audio-cassette form for Kekere Aquarium.
In 1987 their concert in Kopar was recorded by a contemporary discographer d.i.d. Koper. Trobecove Krusne Peci have ceased to exist that same year.
In 2005, same group of people assembles again under the new name VIVA GLORIO - and formally and informally breaking it's ties to the past, they make completely new material and enter Muha recording studio in Zagreb to record their Demo...
New and very loud rock and roll!!!
Group of young men in their early 40's whose way of playing NEW, LOUD, ATOMIC ROCK AND ROLL, has reached the ears and, eventually, the hands of Briton Andy Gill - one of the best music producers in the world's rock scene (he worked with Red Hot Chili Peppers, Gang Of Four, Boss Hog, The Stranglers, Killing Joke, The Jesus Lizard, INXS's Michael Hutchence, Robert Plant, Dave Gilmour, John Peel, The Others, Datsuns, The Young Knives, Futureheads ...), and at the same time member of the cult New Wave group GANG OF FOUR, who was responsible for sound mix and formation of the sound for their equally named debut album.
Trobecove Krusne Peci
Kultni zagrebacki bend s pocetka Osamdesetih koji se osim po neobicnom imenu inspiriranom mjestu djelovanja slovenskog serijskog ubojice Metoda Trobeca (ordinirao sredinom Sedamdesetih na podrucju Ljubljane, dolijao od svoje ruke u zatvoru 2006.), izdvajao po vrlo intenzivnoj, konkretnoj i bucnoj varijanti rock and roll glazbe.
«Trobeci su i nelogicni i radikalni i nevini i grubi, a isto ocekuju i od vas. Uzimajuci neuobicajene opsesije i tenzije iz stvarnosti, oni ih jos vise izoblicavaju i cine od njih izazivacki vazne opaske“ (Polet, 27. travnja 1983.)
U Ljubljani 1985. snimaju materijal za debi album koji u vrijeme rada grupe nikada nije bio objavljen. Tokom 1995. objavljen samo u kazetnom izdanju za Kekere Aquarium.
U Kopru 1987. snimljen live nastup, bend prestaje.
2005. ista grupa ljudi okuplja se pod novim imenom VIVA GLORIO – raskida formalno i neformalni sve veze sa prosloscu, skladaju kompletn novi materijal, ulaze u zagrebacki studio Sismis snimajuci demo...
Novi i jako glasni rock and roll!!!
Skupina mladica u ranim cetrdesetim godinama koja je svirajuci NOVI, GLASNI, ATOMSKI ROCK AND ROLL dosla do ruku i usiju Britanca Andya Gilla - jednog od najboljih glazbenih producenata na svjetskoj rock sceni (radio s Red Hot Chili Peppers, Gang Of Four, Boss Hog, The Stranglers, Killing Joke, The Jesus Lizard, Michaleom Hutchenceom iz INXS, Robert Plant, Dave Gilmour, John Peel, The Others, Datsuns, The Young Knives, Futureheads, ...) ujedno i clana kultne post novovalne skupine GANG OF FOUR - koji im je miskao i zvucno uoblicio debitantski istoimeni album.
Viva Glorio:
On one forgotten year, 1981, four friends got together to create music, later described by a certain critic: "Trobec guys are equally illogical, radical, innocent and rough, and they expect the same from you. They're getting hold of unusual obsessions and tensions from reality, only to distort them even further and turn them into tauntingly important remarks" (Polet, April 27th 1983)
In 1985 they entered Boruta Cinc studio in Lubljana and made their first record, an album which eventually couldn't be released (it was released years later, in 1995, in audio-cassette format). In 1987 their concert in Kopar was recorded by a contemporary discographer d.i.d. Koper. Trobecove krusne peci have ceased to exist that same year.
MARIO BARISIN (bass guitar) has played for two years with Haustor and in 1991 forms a new band, Brujaci. During their first CD recording, DARKO BEGIC (TKP vocals) joins his vocal on some songs. GORDAN DORVAK (drums) plays for three different bands: Legija, Zvijezde and Flash Royal, and he is also the member of Gibonni and Vanna's supporting band.
"We leave the past to scavengers"
In 2005 DAMIR KOLAREC (guitar) launches initiative for old friend's gathering. But in contrary to contemporary trends, band decides not to play any of the old songs; quite opposite-entirely fresh material starts being formed under the new name: VIVA GLORIO. After one year the band re-enters studio and starts recording demo material.
These recordings find their way into the hands of Andy Gill who expresses his collaborative interest in the project. After his arrival in Zagreb, recording of the VIVA GLORIO album starts in studio Sismis. Following the three months of recording, the whole project moves to London. Andy Gill starts his work on album mix.
The work on the cover design starts in parallel. Author and designer of the cover is Danilo Ducak. In October 2007 Damir and Andy completed both production and mixing of the album. Album mastering is performed by Davorin Ilic.
VIVA GLORIO has their first album.
Serbian:Jedne zaboravljene godine (1981) cetvorica prijatelja stvaraju glazbu koju jedna od kritika opisuje: "Trobeci su i nelogicni i radikalni i nevini i grubi, a isto ocekuju i od vas. Uzimajuci neuobicajene opsesije i tenzije iz stvarnosti,oni ih jos vise izoblicavaju i cine od njih izazivacki vazne opaske" (Polet, 27.travnja 1983.)
Godine 1985. snimaju u Lubljani u studiju Boruta Cinca album koji tada ipak nije mogao biti objavljen (objavljen kao cassete 1995.). 1987. snimljen je njihov koncert u Kopru za tadasnji d.i.d. Koper. Iste godine Trobecove krusne peci prestaju sa radom.
MARIO BARISIN (bas gitara) svira dvije godine sa grupom Haustor da bi 1991.g osnovao grupu Brujaci. Na snimanju CD-a u nekim pjesmama pridruzuje se i DARKO BEGIC (vokal). GORDAN DORVAK (bubnjevi) svira sa grupama Legija, Zvijezde, Flash Royal i u pratecem bandu Gibonija i Vanne. "proslost ostavljamo strvinarima"
2005. DAMIR KOLAREC (gitara) pokrece inicijativu okupljanja starih prijatelja. Medutim, za razliku od tadasnjih trendova, odluka banda je da ne svira niti jednu staru pjesmu, dapace, kompletno novi materijal nastaje pod imenom VIVA GLORIO. Nakon godine dana band ulazi u studio i snima demo materijal.
Te snimke dolaze u ruke Andy-ja Gill-a koji iskazuje interes za suradnju. Nakon njegova dolaska u Zagreb zapocinje snimanje albuma VIVA GLORIO u studiju Sismis. Snimanje albuma traje tri mjeseca, a nakon toga cijeli materijal se seli u London. Andy Gill zapocinje rad na miksanju albuma.
Paralelno, krece posao oko izrade omota. Autor i dizajner omota je Danilo Ducak. U listopadu 2007. Damir i Andy zavrsavaju produkciju i miksanje albuma. Mastering albuma radi Davorin Ilic.
VIVA GLORIO ima prvi album.
Download album:
Download single "Superbombacudo"
contact the band:MySpace
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