Kruno Jošt is one of the founders of organization ‘UKE’ in Križevci (Urban Culture and Education) that focuses on new media culture, international collaboration and exchange in Free and Open Culture.
He is one of the organizers on projects: ‘Urban Interventions ‘03’, and organizer of Experimental Electronic Interventions ‘04, ‘05 and ‘06, MMKamp ‘06 and MMKamp ‘07 (Multimedia camp).
He is acting through GenteJunk collective with experimental and improvisational sounds and visualization (VJing), pirate FM radio, urban interventions, social hacking, de-constructing, sychronicity research, detournement techniques and culture jamming.
In 2006. he collaborates at ‘Impromondays’, an improvised open music sessions at ‘Silence Reservoir’ club in Zagreb.
As one of the founders and editors of magazine ‘04 - Megazine for Reality Hacking’ , and one of the founders of Internet radio network ‘Free Radio: Stanica MIR’ (FRSM) he is active in independent media since 2003.
At the moment Kruno is researching Free Open Culture in Brasil that will help permanent culture exchange between Croatia and Brasil.
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